Poppyanzac ‘is the Downing family tribute to Morrinsville’s heroes of WW II. These boys left New Zealand’s shores, three of whom were Spinley brothers, Douglas, Lloyd and Bruce. Many gave their lives and remain in far off lands, only Bruce of the brothers returned. Thanks go to our artists Janet Barratt and Adrian Worsley for their interpretations.

Janet Barratt
Janet Barratt originally trained as a draughtsman for the National Coal Board in England. She immigrated to New Zealand in 1986 with her husband, Tom. After having a family she graduated from Wintec in 2004 with a Bachelor of Media Arts, majoring in Painting and Sculpture, followed by a Diploma in Teaching in 2005. She taught primary school for five years but is now following her passion and painting full time and running “The Garage Studio” in Omokoroa. Barratt has exhibited throughout New Zealand in both solo and group shows. Her works can be found in both private and corporate collections in New Zealand, England, America, Germany, China, Dubai and Australia.
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Downing Family
Morrinsville is home to the fourth generation of Downings. Dairy farming has been their livelihood. Laura Downing (nee Spinley) came to Morrinsville as a child with her family in 1922. Frank Downing immigrated from England in 1924. Since 1942, members of each generation have spent at least part of their life in the Kuranui Road area. Morrinsville will always be our home town and we are delighted as a family to sponsor ‘Poppyanzac’
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